It's all about the Bellinis!

All I need is a tropical beach, flip-flops and a champagne cocktail!

Friday, December 01, 2006

Return of the Mac

I have returned, relatively unscathed, from the hell of exams! One went really well but the other one was really, really hard and I genuinely can't say if I've scraped enough marks to pass. Only two months of agonising before the results come out.

Oh, wait, I forgot that it is now, officially, Christmas party season and I can go out and get wasted and forget all about aforementionables. Wickedy wack!

Christmas shopping commenced last Thursday when I purchased a pair of toy tommy guns from Firebox for my nephew (just an excuse for L to play war games) and continued yesterday when I bought myself some rather fancy knitwear from French Connection. I LOVE me presents!


  • At 9:53 PM, Blogger pumpkin29 said…

    fingers crossed! And it's great to have you back post-exams - an inspiration to me...


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